Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Owl season: I seldom remember my dreams, but this one gave me the SIT UP!

So I was in a small room with a girl. Can't remember who she was, can't remember what we did exactly... But I do remember the yellow lighting and a presence of another person who later left the room. We were sitting on the carpet or something. The girl was facing me when I saw a spider behind her. It looked kind of small at first, but gradually became bigger the more I looked at it! I alerted the girl when I recognised the red spot on the spider's back, because that's one of Australia's deadliest eight-legs. By the time she noticed it, it was already palm size! And for some reason, I couldn't move at all...

So the girl got up and came back with a roll of sticky tape in her hand. Yes, she was going to use that to try and catch the spider...-__-;; I was absolutely anxious seeing her clumsy moves toward the spider. There were so many times that the spider dodged from her attacks and almost landed on her arm. I was just so pissed that I could only be the audience to this frustrating scene.

The spider was making this really inorganic sound of crawling, the tapping of its legs on the wall was extremely loud and crisp. I could feel the creeping sound streaming into my ears and pumped up into the million goosebumps on my skin, and it shouldn't be surprising that I have slowly turned from the audience to the victim. It had started crawling towards me! It got so close I could feel its hairy legs on my arm, and that's when I sat up in shock. I struggled for a few seconds thinking the spider was on my bed until reality slowly pushed me back to consciousness.

My friend told me to draw a rooster and stick it near my bed, claiming that it helps keeping crawlies away. I could hear myself laughing at the idea! Hahahahaha...haha....ha...*cough...

             Rooster rooster on the wall, keep the crawlies off the tour!

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